A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

A (mostly) accurate NES Tetris clone


  • NES Tetris scoring, speed, DAS behavior, blocks rotation and spawn. 
  • On screen DAS gauge. 
  • Four different themes to choose from. 
  • A "Customize" screen with some gui options, like showing/hiding the DAS gauge and stats. 
  • Fully working replay system: after each game a "replay.txt" file is created, simply drag&drop that file into the replay menu to load it. Alternatively, a replay string is copied to your system's clipboard for quick sharing. A Ctrl+V on the replays menu will load the replay currently in your clipboard.

As always, here's another project that I started because I was bored and I just wanted to put down some code. Since I love Tetris, I wanted to understand how Tetris is made "under the hood", so making a Tetris clone looked like good enough challenge. I decided to make a clone of NES Tetris since it's the one that I like the most and I'm most accustomed to (NES Tetris is the Tetris used during CTWC, the Classic Tetris World Championships), so I already had a pretty good grasp of how it feels to play.

I wanted to make a minimal, functional game, with no frills or super amazing graphic effects, just something that I can use to train and to play Tetris using Pico-8, instead of having to rely on often laggy NES emulators.

I really learned a lot while making this, trying to overcome difficulties and studying how NES Tetris is working. In the current state, I'm confident the game is pretty much done, with just a handful of (really minor) bugs, and I know it because it's been in this state for at least two months, but I always played the game instead of completing the final touches needed for submitting it. That, in my book, is a good sign of a game that works.

Link to the Lexaloffle BBS for the HTML version, and changelog: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?pid=150444#p

Published 3 days ago
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux
TagsPICO-8, Tetris


picotris_windows.zip 991 kB
picotris_linux.zip 752 kB
picotris_osx.zip 7.3 MB

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